At the request of a friend of the blog, I captured this photo of Lyndhurst Castle which was used to portray the home of Barnibus Collins in one of the Dark Shadows films. Despite the sign that said "closed for private function", we ventured in anyway. Apparently there was a wedding going on, and we got a handful of stares, and dirty looks as the wedding party was trying to leave. Only two shots here, had to be quick about it.
You didn't think I was going to do a project like this, without taking a picture next to this sign did ya? Shades of Death is NJ's best named road and was the sight of a large malaria outbreak in the 1800s, hence the name.
So I figured I'd try a few mornings instead of night shots. Easier to shoot for sure. Plus, who doesn't love a crisp autumn morning.
Check out this amazing article by DinoDrac. Here